EPPO Global Database

Orthotospovirus tomatomaculae(TSWV00)


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Symptoms of TSWV on chrysanthemum.

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Osteospermum fruticosum (African daisy).

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Euphorbia candelabrum.

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Osteospermum fruticosum (African daisy).

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Chlorotic sinuous lines and concentric rings on leaf of capsicum due to TSWV.

Courtesy: G. Marchoux, INRA, Montfavet (FR).

Symptoms of TSWV on pelargonium.

Courtesy: Dr Backhaus, BBA, Braunschweig (DE).

Coalesced paler ring spots with necrotic border induced by TSWV on mature fruit of capsicum.

Courtesy: G. Marchoux, INRA, Montfavet (FR).

Symptoms of TSWV on Begonia elatior.

Courtesy: Dr Backhaus, BBA, Braunschweig (DE).

TSWV damage on New Guinea impatiens plants (right).

Courtesy: G. Marchoux, INRA, Montfavet (FR).

Chlorotic spots on young leaves of gloxinia due to TSWV.

Courtesy: G. Marchoux, INRA, Montfavet (FR).

Symptoms of TSWV on Begonia elatior.

Courtesy: Dr Backhaus, BBA, Braunschweig (DE).

Nicotiana tabacum infected by TSWV.

Courtesy: Central Science Laboratory, York (GB) - British Crown.

Symptoms of TSWV on a weed (Sonchus spp.) growing in a pot of Chrysanthemum (which also show symptoms).

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Argyranthemum frutescens (marguerite).

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Osteospermum fruticosum (African daisy).

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on a weed (Sonchus spp.) growing in a pot of Chrysanthemum (which also show symptoms).

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on pepper (Capsicum sp.).

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Euphorbia candelabrum.

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on chrysanthemum.

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Euphorbia candelabrum (close-up).

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Argyranthemum frutescens (marguerite).

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Felicia ammelloides.

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on pepper (Capsicum sp.).

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Tomato fruit infected by Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), with large paler areas.

Courtesy: G. Marchoux, INRA, Montfavet (FR).

Symptoms of TSWV on pelargonium.

Courtesy: Dr Backhaus, BBA, Braunschweig (DE).

Chrysanthemum infected by TSWV.

Courtesy: Central Science Laboratory, York (GB) - British Crown.

Symptoms of TSWV on basil.

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Catalogna chicory (Cichorium intybus).

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Ranunculus sp.

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio e Laboratorio Fitopatologico, CERSAA, Albenga (IT)

Symptoms of TSWV on Ranunculus sp.

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio e Laboratorio Fitopatologico, CERSAA, Albenga (IT)

Symptoms of TSWV on Ranunculus sp.

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio e Laboratorio Fitopatologico, CERSAA, Albenga (IT)

Symptoms of TSWV on Ranunculus sp.

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio e Laboratorio Fitopatologico, CERSAA, Albenga (IT)

Symptoms of TSWV on Stevia rebaudiana

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio e Laboratorio Fitopatologico, CERSAA, Albenga (IT)

Symptoms of TSWV on Stevia rebaudiana

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio e Laboratorio Fitopatologico, CERSAA, Albenga (IT)

Symptoms of TSWV on Stevia rebaudiana

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio e Laboratorio Fitopatologico, CERSAA, Albenga (IT)

Symptoms of TSWV on ornamental pepper

Courtesy: Andrea Minuto - Centro di Saggio e Laboratorio Fitopatologico, CERSAA, Albenga (IT)

Symptoms of TSWV on cyclamen.

Courtesy: Dr Andrea Minuto, Centro di Saggio, CERSAA, Albenga (IT).

Symptoms of TSWV on Solanum jasminoides

Courtesy: Andrea Minuto - Centro di Saggio e Laboratorio Fitopatologico, CERSAA, Albenga (IT)

Symptoms of TSWV on potato tubers

Courtesy: Calum Wilson

Symptoms on fruits - Tomato - FR

Courtesy: Sophie PAPIN

Symptoms on tomato fruits (FR)

Courtesy: Sophie Papin

TSWV positive potato tuber (Russet Burbank)

Courtesy: Calum Wilson

Stem necrosis symptoms in TSWV infected potato

Courtesy: Calum Wilson

Field infection with TSWV of young potato plant

Courtesy: Calum Wilson

Potato. Internal necrosis. Tubers did not germinate (SASA ref 33876)

Courtesy: NVWA, Netherlands

Superficial raised concentric rings on the surface of a tuber of potato cv. Snowgem with primary infection by TSWV.

Courtesy: Roger Jones (Institute of Agriculture, University of Western Australia)

Field infection - systemic necrosis in potato plants

Courtesy: Calum Wilson

Typical foliar symptoms of TSWV infection in Solanum tuberosum cv. Shepody

Courtesy: Calum Wilson

Rare external tuber symptoms following TSWV infection in solanum tuberosum cv Shepody

Courtesy: Calum Wilson

Necrotic tuber symptoms in Solanum tuberosum cv Shepody following infection with TSWV

Courtesy: Calum Wilson