EPPO Global Database

Furovirus chinense(WCHMV0)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Triticum aestivum (TRZAX) Major host
* Guo LM, Jing HE, Jing LI, Chen JP, Zhang HM (2019) Chinese wheat mosaic virus: a long-term threat to wheat in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 18(4), 821-829.
Hordeum vulgare (HORVX) Host
* Kondo H, Masejima H, Maruyama K, Fujita M, Ohki T (2022) First report of Chinese wheat mosaic virus infecting barley in Japan. Plant Disease. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-21-2803-PDN.