Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum(XANTMA)
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Bacterial blight of cotton: necrotic stripe along the veins of the leaf
Courtesy: Konstantinos B. Simoglou, Dpt. of Phytosanitary Inspections, Drama, Greece
Bacterial blight of cotton: necrotic stripe along the veins of the leaf
Courtesy: Konstantinos B. Simoglou, Dpt. of Phytosanitary Inspections, Drama, Greece
Bacterial blight of cotton: Boll with developed sunken and brown spot
Courtesy: Konstantinos B. Simoglou, Dpt. of Phytosanitary Inspections, Drama, Greece
Bacterial blight of cotton: Boll with large irregular necrotic area, resulting in boll rot
Courtesy: Konstantinos B. Simoglou, Dpt. of Phytosanitary Inspections, Drama, Greece
Bacterial blight of cotton: Symptoms on bolls with developed sunken and brown in color spots
Courtesy: Konstantinos B. Simoglou, Dpt. of Phytosanitary Inspections, Drama, Greece
Bacterial blight of cotton: Leaf with angular necrotic spots, often with yellow halo
Courtesy: Konstantinos B. Simoglou, Dpt. of Phytosanitary Inspections, Drama, Greece