EPPO Global Database

Xiphinema californicum(XIPHCA)

EPPO Datasheet: Xiphinema californicum

Datasheets on Xiphinema americanum sensu lato, Xiphinema americanum sensu stricto, Xiphinema bricolense, and Xiphinema rivesi are also available in Global Database.


Preferred name: Xiphinema californicum
Authority: Lamberti & Bleve-Zacheo
Taxonomic position: Animalia: Nematoda: Enoplea: Dorylaimida: Longidoridae
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Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature

Xiphinema californicum Lamberti & Bleve-Zacheo, 1969 is a member of the Xiphinema americanum sensu lato (s.l.) group which comprises 64 nominal species (EPPO, 2017; Mobasseri et al., 2019; Lazarova et al., 2019; Vazifeh et al., 2019). Most members of the group are difficult to distinguish both morphologically and biochemically. Furthermore, no reliable molecular tests to distinguish between members of X. americanum s.l. or for the identification of those species that have been confirmed as virus vectors can be recommended yet.Therefore, although it is difficult, identification remains reliant on morphological identification.

EPPO Categorization: A1 list
EU Categorization: A1 Quarantine pest (Annex II A)
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HOSTS 2023-09-13

X. californicum appears to be non-specific with regard to host plant, having been recorded from agricultural, horticultural and forest soils. The host plants of particular quarantine significance are those to and from which X. californicum transmits viruses. X. californicum transmits Cherry rasp leaf virus (CRLV) (Cheravirus), Tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV) (Nepovirus) and Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) (Nepovirus) (Hoy et al., 1984; Griesbach & Maggenti, 1989; Brown et al., 1994). Hoy et al. (1984) noted different transmission efficiency of three ToRSV strains by X. californicum nematodes. The host plant range of these viruses is wide, including woody and ornamental plants and several weed species. Important host plants of these viruses include Malus spp., Prunus spp. (plum, cherry and peach), Vitis spp. (Lamberti & Bleve-Zacheo, 1979; Taylor & Brown, 1997).

Host list: Canna sp., Citrus sp., Cocos nucifera, Ipomoea batatas, Malus domestica, Medicago sativa, Olea europaea, Persea americana, Prunus cerasifera, Prunus mahaleb, Prunus persica, Rosa sp., Sorghum sp., Vasconcellea pubescens, Vitis vinifera, Zea mays


X. californicum has been reported from North and South America. This species has not been reported in the EPPO region.

North America: Mexico, United States of America (Arkansas, California, Hawaii, New York, Oregon, Washington)
South America: Brazil (Distrito Federal, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Sao Paulo), Chile, Peru

BIOLOGY 2023-09-13

X. californicum is a migratory ectoparasite and spends its entire life cycle in the soil, moving in the moisture film covering soil particles. The individuals appear to be attracted to young growing roots where they feed by puncturing, with their stylet, several successive layers of cells and extracting cytoplasm. Females produce eggs parthenogenetically (males being rare or absent). The number of developmental stages for this species is unclear, data indicates the possibility of either 3 or 4 juvenile development stages. Alkemada and Loof (1989) reviewed the literature on X. americanum group juveniles and reported that some published measurements clearly indicated four juvenile stages but three larval developmental stages have also been reported (Halbrendt & Brown, 1992; Robbins et al., 1996). The life cycle requires at least 1 year to complete and the optimum temperatures for reproduction are 20-24°C (Hunt, 1993). There is no specialized long term survival stage however, all stages have been found to survive and mature (but not multiply) in soil in the absence of a host. The nematode does not survive long periods in frozen soil, and in areas of low winter temperatures overwintering is mainly in the egg stage. Where the soil is not frozen, all stages can survive over winter.

X. californicum is an efficient vector of several viruses, with adults and juvenile stages able to transmit viruses (McGuire, 1964; Teliz et al., 1966). When the nematode feeds on a virus-infected plant, virus particles are extracted from the cells within the cytoplasm, and these adhere to the lining of the stylet and pharynx. The virus particles are injected into the next healthy plant on which the nematode feeds. Nematodes may transmit virus acquired up to 2 years previously (Bitterlin & Gonsalves, 1987).

X. californicum transmits ToRSV, TRSV and CRLV (Hoy et al., 1984; Griesbach & Maggenti, 1989; Brown et al., 1994). The ability to transmit virus may vary among different populations of the same nematode species (Griesbach & Maggenti, 1989).


An EPPO diagnostic protocol is available for Xiphinema americanum sensu lato (EPPO, 2017) as well as an IPPC Diagnostic Protocol (IPPC, 2016).


Plants roots attacked by X. californicum, in the absence of a virus, generally exhibit no clear characteristic symptoms in the aerial parts. Symptoms are most often similar to those resulting from environmental stresses. With high populations, a general reduction in vigour is observed and this appears in characteristic patches in the crop corresponding to the highest concentration of nematodes (Heve et al., 2015). When nematode feeding results in virus transmission the characteristic symptoms of the particular virus develop in the crop. These usually first appear in the aerial parts of the plant in the growing season after transmission to the roots has occurred. However, some host plants remain symptomless after infection and therefore may escape detection (NVWA, 2010).


X. californicum nematodes are minute, soft-bodied, vermiform and nearly transparent. They have a hard, needle-like stylet (odontostyle and odontophore) at the mouth-end of the body which is capable of being extruded to puncture plant cells. General morphological characteristics of X. californicum are relatively short compared to other non X. americanum s.l. species (usually <150 μm) stylet (odontostyle + odontophore), thick cuticular lining of the pharynx, males usually absent or rare, female genital branches equally developed, uterus short and without Z-organ, presence of symbiotic bacteria in the oocytes and in the intestines of juveniles, short conoid tail with rounded terminus, females without sperm present in uteri or oviduct.

Detection and inspection methods

X. californicum can be detected by extraction from soil or growing media (as is the case for most ectoparasitic plant‐parasitic nematodes). Nematode extraction techniques, such as the Flegg‐modified Cobb technique (Flegg, 1967) or Oostenbrink (Oostenbrink, 1960) or other suitable elutriation methods can be used for extraction of longidorid nematodes. Migratory endoparasites may also be present in soil residues adhering to plant roots, bulbs and tubers. Consequently, X. californicum may be found following processing of plant material using methods such as modified Baermann processes. Detailed descriptions of extraction equipment and procedures can be found in EPPO PM 7/119 (1) Nematode extraction (EPPO, 2013). After extraction, the nematodes are examined by high-power microscopy in order to identify the specimens.


X. californicum spends its entire life cycle in the soil, feeding on roots of plants. It can only live in moist soil where it can move at most 1 m per year, unless assisted by run-off. Bare rooted plants free from soil are not a pathway for movement. The pest is transported solely in soil associated with plants for planting, plant products (such as, soil associated with ware potatoes), bulk soil and any other goods contaminated with soil. Spread over longer distances is possible in moist soil transported with or without plants. Soil and growing media attached to (agricultural) machinery, tools and packaging materials may also constitute a pathway for movement, but such soil may dry out and consequently lead to reduced viability of the pest.


Economic impact

The importance of X. californicum is linked to its capacity to vector North American nepoviruses (Taylor & Brown, 1981, 1997), which are important mainly on fruit crops. X. californicum is reported to transmit the following viruses: ToRSV, TRSV and CLRV.

Both ToRSV and TRSV have wide host ranges. A review of effects of the viruses on economically important crops was performed by NVWA (2010) and summarized thereafter. Adverse economic effects caused by ToRSV are principally related to fruit crops, particularly grapes and raspberries. In grapes, yield reductions of between 37 and 63% were reported in vineyards in New York, USA. Fifty percent yield reductions were reported in some raspberry cultivars whilst other cultivars were unaffected. ToRSV was also implicated in apple union necrosis and decline in American apple orchards. Severe losses have also been reported on blueberry in New York and peach in Pennsylvania. The virus is known to infect species of Prunus (cherries and plum), Ribes and Rubus (some cultivars) but no reduction in yield has been reported in these crops. Among the horticultural crops ToRSV has been reported to produce symptoms on leaves of pelargonium making plants unmarketable. In Türkiye, symptoms of infection were reported on wild blackberry plants, but not in neighbouring peach orchards (Sertkaya, 2010). In Lithuania, ToRSV was detected in 4.6% of one raspberry cultivar (Stankiene et al., 2012), but impacts due to the virus infection are unknown. TRSV causes yield losses in soybean and blueberries in the USA. Serious losses were also reported in grapes in vineyards affected by a mixed infection of TRSV and ToRSV. The virus also affects cucurbits but causes only minor damage to these crops. Elsewhere, 60-80% yield losses were reported in aubergine in India and minor losses were reported in capsicum in Mexico (FERA, 2014).

After introduction into the production area, the virus associated with its vector will spread slowly since the nematodes will spread naturally 1 m at maximum per year. The virus and its vector may spread over longer distance mainly with trade of plants with soil attached but the total infested area will however increase slowly. Thus, in the short term, e.g. the first 10 years after introduction the impact is assessed to be low and impact may occur only very locally. In the long term (decades), the virus-vector combination is expected to spread further mainly by human assistance and the impact may become similar to that in the USA where both the virus and vector are present. In Europe the impact of ToRSV and TRSV in combination with the vector may become higher than in the USA because of the limited availability of soil fumigants in Europe. The potential impact of the viruses in combination with the vector in Europe was assessed as follows (NVWA, 2010):

  • - ToRSV: high impact for several fruit crops.
  • - TRSV: high impact for blueberry and probably also for grapes.
  • - CLRV: low impact.


Control of viruliferous nematodes in the field is problematic. Disinfection of soil can be carried out by physical (heat, steam) or chemical (nematicides) treatments – the efficacy of these measures is limited (it is considered that the efficacy never reaches 100%) and the nematodes that remain in the soil can still transmit viruses to the roots of the host plants (EFSA, 2018). Soil disinfection by physical treatments does not eliminate nematodes under field conditions due to the vertical distribution (depth) of the nematode which depends on availability of roots of host plants and moisture regime (EFSA, 2018). The use of nematicides is restricted in EPPO member countries (e.g. EU countries) and at present, no methods are available to control nematode populations in an established orchard (NVWA, 2010).

Keeping the soil free from plants for over 2 years will significantly reduce the nematode population.

Phytosanitary risk

The main phytosanitary risk lies in the known potential of X. californicum to transmit three American viruses CRLV, TRSV and ToRSV, which are quarantine pathogens. X. californicum< may introduce or spread these viruses.

If the viruses were introduced or spread in the EPPO region, introduction of the vector nematodes would increase the risk of spread, and more complex measures for the certification of virus-free material of fruit crops would be needed. Populations of X. californicum, especially those from North America, could certainly establish and spread in the EPPO region.

There are numerous reports of TRSV and ToRSV detection in the EPPO region, however most relate to interceptions, are under eradication and are not known to be widely distributed. CRLV is not known to be present in Europe.


It can be recommended that import of soil from countries where X. californicum occurs should be prohibited. Plants with roots may also be prohibited from import or precautions should be taken to ensure that the nematodes will not be carried in the roots. The field from which the plants originate should have been tested and found to be free from the nematodes and, if the plants were in a growing medium, this medium should be either inorganic or have been tested, or treated against nematodes. If this is not the case, soil or growing medium attached to the plants can be removed and after removal, the plants can be repotted in pest-free soil or growing medium before export. Plants should then be kept under special conditions to avoid the risk of reinfestation.

Soil or growing medium can be treated to kill nematodes by heating to 60°C and maintaining at that temperature for 1 h.

The use of certified or tested plants for planting, grown under conditions that ensure pest freedom reduces the risk of introducing and spreading of viruses not present or having a limited distribution in the region, and of their vector nematodes. Only planting material originating from areas where the nematode has not been reported, and where surveillance is carried out to confirm the absence of the pest (Pest Free Area, Pest Free Production Site) can be declared as pest free material.

REFERENCES 2023-09-13

Alkemada JM & Loof PA (1989) Observations on the ontogeny of some Xiphinema species (Nematoda: Dorylaimida). Mededelingen van de Faculteit landbouwwetenschappen. Rijksuniversiteit Gent 54(3b), 1177-1186.

Bitterlin MV & Gonsalves D (1986) Persistence of tomato ringspot virus and its vector in cold stored soil. Acta Horticulturae 193, 199-124.

Brown DJF, Halbrendt JM, Jones AT, Vrain TC & Robbins RT (1994) Transmission of three North American nepoviruses by populations of four distinct species of the Xiphinema americanum group. Phytopathology 84, 646-649.

EFSA PHL Panel (2018) Jeger M, Bragard C, Caffier D, Candresse T, Chatzivassiliou E, Dehnen‐Schmutz K, Gilioli G, Grégoire JC, Miret JAJ, MacLeod A & Navarro MN. Pest categorisation of Xiphinema americanum sensu lato. EFSA Journal 16(7), 5298. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5298

EPPO (2013) EPPO Standards. Diagnostics. PM 7/119 (1) Nematode extraction. EPPO Bulletin 43, 471–495.

EPPO (2017) EPPO Standards. Diagnostics. PM 7/95 (2) Xiphinema americanum sensu lato. EPPO Bulletin 47(2), 198-210.

FERA (2014) Rapid Pest Risk Analysis for Xiphinema americanum s.l. (European populations). https://secure.fera.defra.gov.uk/

Griesbach JA & Maggenti AR (1989) Vector capability of Xiphinema americanum sensu lato in California. Journal of Nematology 21(4), p.517.

Flegg JJM (1967) Extraction of Xiphinema and Longidorus spp. from soil by a modification of Cobb’s decanting and sieving technique. Annals of Applied Biology 60, 429–437.

Halbrendt JM & Brown DJ (1992) Morphometric evidence for three juvenile stages in some species of Xiphinema americanum sensu lato. Journal of Nematology 24, 305-309.

Heve WK, Crow WT & Mengistu T (2015) Xiphinema spp. - dagger nematode. Available online: https://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/creatures/nematode/dagger_nematode.htm

Hoy JW, Mircetich SM & Lownsbery BF (1984) Differential transmission of Prunus tomato ringspot virus strains by Xiphinema californicum. Phytopathology 74, 332-335.

Hunt DJ (1993) Aphelenchida, Longidoridae and Trichodoridae: Their Systematics and Bionomics. CABI International, Wallingford, UK, 352 pp.

IPPC (2016) ISPM 27 Diagnostic Protocols for Regulated Pests DP 11: Xiphinema americanum sensu lato. IPPC Secretariat, FAO, Rome (IT).

Lamberti F & Bleve-Zacheo T (1979) Studies on Xiphinema americanum sensu lato with descriptions of fifteen new species (Nematoda, Longidoridae). Nematologia Mediterranea 7, 51-106.

Lazarova S, Oliveira CMG, Prior T, Peneva V & Kumari S (2019) An integrative approach to the study of Xiphinema brevicolle Lordello and Da Costa 1961, supports its limited distribution worldwide (Nematoda: Longidoridae). European Journal of Plant Pathology 153(2), 441-464.

Mobasseri M, Hutchinson MC, Afshar FJ & Pedram M (2019) New evidence of nematode-endosymbiont bacteria coevolution based on one new and one known dagger nematode species of Xiphinema americanum-group (Nematoda, Longidoridae). PLoS One 14(6), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0217506

McGuire JM (1964) Efficiency of Xiphinema americanum as a vector of tobacco ringspot virus. Phytopathology 54, 799-801.

NVWA (The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) (2010) Pest Risk Analysis for Xiphinema americanum s.l., 77pp. https://pra.eppo.int/pra/1eb7d285-8ce3-4170-8f95-9a1b44547555

Oostenbrink M (1960) Estimating nematode populations by some selected methods. In Nematology (ed. Sasser JN & Jenkins WR), pp. 85–102. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC(US).

Robbins RT, Brown DJF, Halbrendt JM & Vrain TC (1996) Compendium of juvenile stages of Xiphinema species (Nematoda: Longidoridae). Russian Journal of Nematology 4, 163-171.

Sertkaya G (2010) Tomato ringspot nepovirus (ToRSV) in wild blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) in Hatay province of Turkey. Julius-Kuhn-Archiv (Conference proceedings) 427, 201-203.

Stankiene J, Mazeikiene I, Gelvonauskiene D, Siksnianiene JB & Bobinas C (2012) Virological assessment of stock planting material of apple and raspberry cultivars. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 99(1), 93-98.

Taylor CE & Brown DJF (1981) Nematode-virus interactions. In: Plant parasitic nematodes, Vol. III. Academic Press, London, UK.

Taylor CE & Brown DJF (1997) Nematode vectors of plant viruses. CABI, Wallingford, UK, 278 pp.

Teliz D, Grogan RG & Lownsbery BF (1966) Transmission of tomato ringspot, peach yellow bud mosaic and grapevine yellow vein viruses by Xiphinema americanum. Phytopathology 56, 658-663.

Vazifeh N, Niknam G, Jabbari H & Naghavi A (2019) Description of a new dagger nematode, Xiphinema barooghii n. sp. (Nematoda: Longidoridae) and additional data on the three known species of the genus from northwest of Iran. Journal of Nematology 51, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.21307/jofnem-2019-007


This datasheet was prepared in 2023 by Saša Širca. His valuable contribution is gratefully acknowledged.

How to cite this datasheet?

EPPO (2025) Xiphinema californicum. EPPO datasheets on pests recommended for regulation. https://gd.eppo.int (accessed 2025-03-10)

Datasheet history 2023-09-13

This datasheet was first published in the EPPO Bulletin in 1984 (as part of Xiphinema americanum) and revised in the two editions of 'Quarantine Pests for Europe' in 1992 and 1997, as well as in 2023. It is now maintained in an electronic format in the EPPO Global Database. The sections on 'Identity', ‘Hosts’, and 'Geographical distribution' are automatically updated from the database. For other sections, the date of last revision is indicated on the right.

CABI/EPPO (1992/1997) Quarantine Pests for Europe (1st and 2nd edition). CABI, Wallingford (GB).

EPPO (1984) Data sheet on quarantine organisms no 150: Xiphinema americanum. EPPO Bulletin 14(1), 67-71. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2338.1984.tb01984.x