EPPO Global Database

Closterovirus tristezae(CTV000)

Distribution details in Australia (Northern Territory)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2009: Absent, unreliable record
From CABI Disease map 289 (1998): Present, no details
From NPPO: Absent, unreliable record
The possible presence of CTV was mentioned (with a question mark) in a preliminary list of plant diseases (Pitkethley, 1970), most probably on the basis of symptoms only. The NPPO of Australia explained in 2009 that the presence of the virus has never been confirmed in Northern Territory. Therefore, the earlier record is now considered doubtful
* NPPO of Australia via CABI (2009-08).

* Pitkethley RN (1970) A preliminary list of plant diseases in the Northern Territory. Tech. Bull. Primary Industries Branch, NT Administration, Darwin 2, 30 pp.