Closterovirus tristezae(CTV000)
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Tristeza-induced quick decline of a sweet orange tree on sour orange rootstock in the middle, surrounded by trees in different states of slow decline.
Courtesy: Dr. M.Cambra, IVIA, Spain.
Bud-union of sweet orange CTV-infected tree grafted on sour orange rootstock, and pin holing or honeycombing in the inner face of the bark of the sour orange rootstock below the bud union of the tristeza-infected tree.
Courtesy: Drs. L. Navarro and P. Moreno, IVIA, Spain.
Sweet orange cv. Valencia grafted on sour orange rootstock affected by Citrus tristeza closterovirus (CTV).
Courtesy: L. Navarro IVIA, Valencia (ES).
Inverse pitting, honey combing, or pinholing induced by CTV below the bud union on sweet orange trees grafted on sour orange rootstock.
Courtesy: L. Navarro IVIA, Valencia (ES).
Mexican lime seedlings (Citrus aurantiifolia). Left: healthy; right: inoculated with CTV.
Courtesy: L. Navarro IVIA, Valencia (ES).
Tristeza aggressive isolate inducing stem pitting in branches and trunk of a grapefruit tree in Uruguay.
Courtesy: Dr. M. Cambra, IVIA, Spain.
Vein clearing induced by CTV in inoculated Mexican lime (C. aurantiifolia) seedlings incubated in a glasshouse at 18-25°C.
Courtesy: L. Navarro IVIA, Valencia (ES).
Chlorotic and declining sweet orange trees grafted on sour orange rootstock infected by CTV, compared with a healthy-looking tree in the middle.
Courtesy: Dr. M. Cambra, IVIA, Spain.
Tristeza aggressive isolate inducing stem pitting in branches and trunk of a grapefruit tree (grafted on the tristeza-tolerant rootstock Citrus limonia) in Uruguay.
Courtesy: Dr. M. Cambra, IVIA, Spain.
Left: grapefruit from a healthy tree; right: four grapefruits from a tree grafted on sour orange and infected with CTV.
Courtesy: L. Navarro IVIA, Valencia (ES).
Dieback of sweet orange grafted on sour orange caused by CTV.
Courtesy: L. Navarro IVIA, Valencia (ES).
Tristeza aggressive isolate inducing small fruits (compared with a normal fruit in the hand).
Courtesy: Dr. M. Cambra, IVIA, Spain.