EPPO Global Database

Closterovirus tristezae(CTV000)

Distribution details in India (Uttarakhand)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2018: Present, no details
* Biswas KK, Tarafdar A, Sharma SK, Singh JK, Dwivedi S, Biswas K, Jayakumar BK (2014) Current status of Citrus tristeza virus incidence and its spatial distribution in citrus growing geographical zones of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84(2), 184–189.

* Biswas KK, Palchoudhury S, Sharma SK, Saha B, Godara S, Ghosh DK, Keremane ML (2018) Analyses of 3' half genome of citrus tristeza virus reveal existence of distinct virus genotypes in citrus growing regions of India. VirusDisease 29(3), 308-315.

* Singh JK, Tarafdar A, Sharma SK, Biswas KK (2013) Evidence of Recombinant Citrus tristeza virus Isolate Occurring in Acid Lime cv. Pant Lemon Orchard in Uttarakhand Terai Region of Northern Himalaya in India. Indian Journal of Virology 24(1), 35-41.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Bangladesh Present, no details view...
Bhutan Present, no details view...
China Hunan Present, no details view...
China Guangdong Present, no details view...
China Jiangxi Present, no details view...
China Guangxi Present, no details view...
China Sichuan Present, no details view...
China Yunnan Present, no details view...
China Zhejiang Present, no details view...
China Hubei Present, no details view...
China Chongqing Present, no details view...
China Present, widespread view...
China Fujian Present, no details view...
Nepal Present, widespread view...
Pakistan Present, no details view...