EPPO Global Database

Closterovirus tristezae(CTV000)

Distribution details in Italy

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2014: Present, restricted distribution
From CABI Disease map 289 (1998): Present, no details
Sicilia and Calabria.

EPPO Reporting Service 465 of 1986-07.

EPPO Reporting Service (95/201) provides an update on the situation. Only 78 plants were found infected, and these were destroyed. Surveys in Calabria since 1986 have given consistently negative results. Italy is classed as an EU Protected Zone for CTV (European isolates) and has surveyed its whole territory to justify this. Accordingly, the situation in Italy can be regarded as "found but not established".

EPPO Reporting Service (2003/071) : in 2002, a new large outbreak (10000 trees) found in the region of Siracusa (Sicilia). Probably derived from illegally imported budwood.

EPPO Reporting Service (2005/089) : 3 separate outbreaks now known - in Siracusa province (Sicilia), in Taranto province (Puglia), in Catania province (Sicilia). Mild isolates in the first two cases (similar by molecular tests to an isolate from Spain), but severe in the third (similar in molecular tests to isolates from USA and Japan). Considered as evidence of two separate introductions.

EPPO Reporting Service (2006/182) : outbreak in Calabria. Present situation is outbreaks in Puglia (province of Taranto), Calabria (province of Reggio di Calabria), Sicilia (provinces of Siracusa and Catania); under official control.

EPPO Reporting Service (2011/003) : update on the outbreak in Calabria (detected in 3 orchards in Cosenza, 3 orchards in Vibo Valentia, 12 orchards in Reggio Calabria, isolated findings in 2 nurseries).
* Abou Kubaa R, D’Onghia AM, Djelouah K, Savino V, Saponari M (2008) Characterization of Citrus tristeza virus isolates recovered in Syria and Apulia (Southern Italy) using different molecular tools. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 51(3), 496-504.
------- Strains in Puglia characterized as T30 genotype (mild strains).

* Albanese G, Schimio R, Fontana A, Ferreti L, Palmeri V, Campolo O, Barba M (2010) Assessment of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) incidence in Calabria, southern Italy: results of a three-year survey. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 49(1), 27-34.

* Caruso A, Davino S, Sorrentino G, Agosteo GE, Davino M (2006) Gravi infezioni del virus della ‘tristeza’ degli agrumi (CTV) mettono a rischio l’agrumicoltura calabrese. Informatore Fitopatologico no. 7/8, 5-6.

* Davino, M.; Areddia, R.; Polizzi, G. (1988) Bulletin SROP 11 (6), 95-99.
------- A a 5-year survey, CTV had not spread from the orchard in Calabria in which it was first detected.

* Davino, M.; Russo, F.; Cartia, G.; Terranova, G. (1983) Informatore Fitopatologico 33 (5), 51-55.
------- In citrus of foreign origin in Calabria.

* Davino, S.; Davino, M.; Sambade, A.; Guardo, M.; Caruso, A. (2003) The first Citrus tristeza virus outbreak found in a relevant citrus producing area of Sicily, Italy. Plant Disease, 87(3), p 314.

* Davino S, Rubio L, Davino M (2005) Molecular analysis suggests that recent Citrus tristeza virus outbreaks in Italy were originated by at least two independent introductions. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 111(3), 289-293.

* FAO (1987) FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 35 (2), 66.
------- First outbreak, in Calabria during 1983-87.

* Ferretti L, Fontana A, Sciarroni R, Schimio R, Loconsole G, Albanese G, Saponari M (2014) Molecular and biological evidence for a severe seedling yellows strain of Citrus tristeza virus spreading in southern Italy. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 53(1), 3-13.
------- Severe strain detected in Calabria.

* Somma & Laviola (1992) Rivista de Frutticoltura LIV 2, 54-56.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Austria Absent, no pest record view...
France Corse Present, restricted distribution view...
France Present, restricted distribution view...
Slovenia Absent, no pest record view...