EPPO Global Database

Closterovirus tristezae(CTV000)

Distribution details in Italy (Sicilia)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2016: Present, restricted distribution
From CABI Disease map 289 (1998): Present, no details
EPPO Reporting Service (2003/071) : large outbreak near Siracusa

EPPO Reporting Service (2005/089) : also at Belpasso in Catania
* Davino, S.; Davino, M.; Sambade, A.; Guardo, M.; Caruso, A. (2003) The first Citrus tristeza virus outbreak found in a relevant citrus producing area of Sicily, Italy. Plant Disease, 87(3), p 314.

* Davino S, Rubio L, Davino M (2005) Molecular analysis suggests that recent Citrus tristeza virus outbreaks in Italy were originated by at least two independent introductions. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 111(3), 289-293.

* ProMed posting (no. 20130329.1610397) of 2013-03-30. Citrus tristeza virus - Italy: (Sicily). http://www.promedmail.org
------- CTV has infected thousands of ha of orange orchards in Sicilia. Severe losses are reported.

* Scuderi G, Russo M, Davino S, Ferraro R, Catara A, Licciardello G (2016) Occurrence of the T36 genotype of Citrus tristeza virus in citrus orchards in Sicily, Italy. Plant Disease 100(6), p 1253.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Austria Absent, no pest record view...
France Corse Present, restricted distribution view...
France Present, restricted distribution view...
Slovenia Absent, no pest record view...