EPPO Global Database

Crinivirus cucurbitae(CYSDV0)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Citrullus lanatus (CITLA) Major host
* Kousik CS, Adkins S (2020) Detection of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus infecting watermelon in South Carolina. Plant Health Progress 21(2) (abstract). https://doi.org/10.1094/PHP-03-20-0016-BR
Cucumis melo (CUMME) Major host
* Kao J, Jia L, Tian T, Rubio L, Falk BW (2000) First report of cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (Genus crinivirus) in North America. Plant Disease, 84(1), p 101.

* Mondal S, Jenkins Hladky LL, Melanson RA, Singh R, Sikora E, Wintermantel WM (2021) First report of cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus and cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in cucurbit crops in Alabama. Plant Disease. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-21-0922-PDN
Cucumis sativus (CUMSA) Major host
* Orfanidou CG, Maliogka VI, Katis NI, Kontosfyris G, Smith T, Caglayan K (2017) First report of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in cucumber in Turkey.  Journal of Plant Patholology 99, 533

* Papayiannis LC, Ioannou N, Boubourakas IN, Dovas CI, Katis NI, Falk BW (2005) Incidence of viruses infecting cucurbits in Cyprus. Journal of Phytopathology 153(9), 530-535.
Cucurbita pepo (CUUPE) Major host
* Kavalappara SR, Milner H, Sparks AN, McGregor C, Wintermantel WM, Bag S (2021) First report of cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in association with other whitefly-transmitted viruses in squash (Cucurbita pepo) in Georgia. Plant Disease. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-11-20-2429-PDN

* Manglli A, Murenu M, Sitzia M, Tomassoli L (2016) First report of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus infecting cucurbits in Italy. New Disease Reports 34, 23. http://dx.doi.org/10.5197/j.2044-0588.2016.034.023
Amaranthus blitum (AMALI) Wild/Weed
* Webster CG, Kousik CS, Roberts PD, Rosskopf EN, Turecheck WW, Adkins S (2011) Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus detected in pigweed in Florida. Plant Disease 95(3), 360.
Amaranthus retroflexus (AMARE) Wild/Weed
* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Bassia hyssopifolia (BAFHY) Wild/Weed
* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Chenopodium album (CHEAL) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Papayiannis LC, Pappi PG, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2019) Criniviruses associated with cucurbit yellows disease in Greece and Cyprus: an ever-changing scene. Plant Pathology 68(4), 764-774.

* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Datura stramonium (DATST) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Papayiannis LC, Pappi PG, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2019) Criniviruses associated with cucurbit yellows disease in Greece and Cyprus: an ever-changing scene. Plant Pathology 68(4), 764-774.
Ecballium elaterium (ECAEL) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Papayiannis LC, Pappi PG, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2019) Criniviruses associated with cucurbit yellows disease in Greece and Cyprus: an ever-changing scene. Plant Pathology 68(4), 764-774.
Heliotropium europaeum (HEOEU) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Papayiannis LC, Pappi PG, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2019) Criniviruses associated with cucurbit yellows disease in Greece and Cyprus: an ever-changing scene. Plant Pathology 68(4), 764-774.
Lysimachia foemina (ANGCO) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Papayiannis LC, Pappi PG, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2019) Criniviruses associated with cucurbit yellows disease in Greece and Cyprus: an ever-changing scene. Plant Pathology 68(4), 764-774.
Malva neglecta (MALNE) Wild/Weed
* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Malva parviflora (MALPA) Wild/Weed
* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Malvella leprosa (SIDHE) Wild/Weed
* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
------- as Sida hederacea.
Physalis acutifolia (PHYWR) Wild/Weed
* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
-------as Physalis wrightii.
Sisymbrium irio (SSYIR) Wild/Weed
* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Sisymbrium sp. (SSYSS) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Papayiannis LC, Pappi PG, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2019) Criniviruses associated with cucurbit yellows disease in Greece and Cyprus: an ever-changing scene. Plant Pathology 68(4), 764-774.
------- as Sysibrium sp.
Solanum elaeagnifolium (SOLEL) Wild/Weed
* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Solanum nigrum (SOLNI) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Papayiannis LC, Pappi PG, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2019) Criniviruses associated with cucurbit yellows disease in Greece and Cyprus: an ever-changing scene. Plant Pathology 68(4), 764-774.
Sonchus oleraceus (SONOL) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Papayiannis LC, Pappi PG, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2019) Criniviruses associated with cucurbit yellows disease in Greece and Cyprus: an ever-changing scene. Plant Pathology 68(4), 764-774.
Sonchus sp. (SONSS) Wild/Weed
* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Tribulus terrestris (TRBTE) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Papayiannis LC, Pappi PG, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2019) Criniviruses associated with cucurbit yellows disease in Greece and Cyprus: an ever-changing scene. Plant Pathology 68(4), 764-774.
Benincasa fistulosa (CITFI) Host
* Kumar A, Choudhary S, Ramyashee DG, Baranwal VK, Jain RK, Basavaraj YB (2024) Molecular evidence for the occurrence of cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) infecting round melon and wild melon in India. VirusDisease. 23, 1-4.
Cucumis callosus (CUMCA) Host
* Kumar A, Choudhary S, Ramyashee DG, Baranwal VK, Jain RK, Basavaraj YB.(2024) Molecular evidence for the occurrence of cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) infecting round melon and wild melon in India. VirusDisease. 23, 1-4.
Cucurbitaceae (1CUCF) Host
Cucurbita foetidissima (CUUFO) Host
* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Cucurbita maxima (CUUMA) Host
* Mohammed HS, Zicca S, Manglli A, Mohamed ME, El Siddig MA, Tomassoli L, El Hussein AA (2014) Identification and phylogenetic analysis of common pumpkin viruses in Sudan. Journal of Plant Pathology 96(1), 77-94.
Lactuca sativa (LACSA) Host
* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Medicago sativa (MEDSA) Host
* Chatzivassiliou EK (2021) An annotated list of legume-infecting viruses in the light of metagenomics. Plants 10(7):1413. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10071413

* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Phaseolus vulgaris (PHSVX) Host
* Chatzivassiliou EK (2021) An annotated list of legume-infecting viruses in the light of metagenomics. Plants 10(7):1413. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10071413

* Wintermantel WM, Hladky LL, Cortez AA, Natwick ET (2009) A new expanded host range of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus includes three agricultural crops. Plant Disease 93(7), 685-690.
Solanum tuberosum (SOLTU) Host
* EFSA Panel on Plant Health (EFSA PLH Panel), Bragard C, Dehnen‐Schmutz K, Gonthier P, Jacques MA, Jaques Miret JA, Justesen AF, MacLeod A, Magnusson CS, Milonas P, Navas‐Cortes JA (2020) Pest categorisation of non‐EU viruses and viroids of potato. EFSA Journal 18(1), e05853. 
------- only 1 record (Orfanidou et al., 2019) mention potato as host.

* Orfanidou CG, Papayiannis LC, Pappi PG, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2019) Criniviruses associated with cucurbit yellows disease in Greece and Cyprus: an ever-changing scene. Plant Pathology 68(4), 764-774.
------- CYSDV was detected in five potato plants (cultivar unknown) showing mild yellowing symptoms, which were growing near a CYSDV-infected watermelon crop on Rhodes.