EPPO Global Database

Paysandisia archon(PAYSAR)

Reporting Service articles

Num. Title year-month
2025/035 Establishment of Paysandisia archon in Switzerland 2025-02
2023/001 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2023-01
2020/119 Eradication of Paysandisia archon from Switzerland 2020-06
2020/113 New and revised dynamic EPPO datasheets are available in the EPPO Global Database 2020-06
2019/112 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2019-06
2017/207 Changes made to the EU list of regulated pests 2017-11
2017/033 First report of Paysandisia archon in Germany 2017-02
2016/203 Details on quarantine pests in Spain: 2015 situation 2016-11
2013/041 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2013-02
2011/150 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2011-07
2011/137 First report of Paysandisia archon in the Czech Republic 2011-06
2010/207 Paysandisia archon found in Lazio and Lombardia, Italy 2010-11
2010/206 First report of Paysandisia archon in Crete, Greece 2010-11
2010/146 Paysandisia archon found again in Liguria region (IT) 2010-09
2010/145 First record of Paysandisia archon in Switzerland 2010-09
2010/098 Paysandisia archon found in Lazio region (IT) 2010-05
2010/084 Details on quarantine pests in Spain: 2008 situation 2010-04
2010/058 Situation of recently introduced pests in Spain 2010-03
2010/054 Paysandisia archon found in Friuli-Venezia Giulia region (IT) 2010-03
2010/043 ‘Rhynch’info’: a new and free newsletter on palm pests 2010-02
2009/142 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2009-07
2009/109 Paysandisia archon occurs in Veneto, Italy 2009-06
2009/073 Modifications to the EU Annexes I and II of EU Directive 2000/29 2009-04
2009/050 First report of Paysandisia archon in Slovenia 2009-03
2009/049 First report of Paysandisia archon in Cyprus 2009-03
2008/137 Further details on the situation of Paysandisia archon in Northern Italy in 2008 2008-07
2007/137 Details on quarantine pests in Spain: 2006 situation 2007-07
2006/105 Paysandisia archon found in large palms in Puglia (Italy) 2006-05
2005/051 First record of Paysandisia archon in Sicilia (Italy) 2005-04
2005/050 Details on quarantine pests in Spain: 2004 situation 2005-04
2004/162 First report of Paysandisia archon in Italy 2004-11
2004/049 Situation of Paysandisia archon in Spain 2004-03
2003/157 New findings of Paysandisia archon in France and Spain 2003-10
2003/121 First report of Paysandisia archon in United Kingdom 2003-08
2002/012 Addition of Paysandisia archon to the EPPO Alert List 2002-01