EPPO Global Database

Closterovirus tristezae(CTV000)

Distribution details in Spain

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2011: Present, widespread
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, widespread - mild isolates only (2011-06).
From CABI Disease map 289 (1998): Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service (96/030): an update on the present situation. Tristeza still widespread, and even increasing in recent years, possibly due to an increase in populations of the vector Aphis gossypii.

EPPO Reporting Service (2001/142) : high incidence in old orchards in Cataluña.

EPPO Reporting Service (2005/050) : medium incidence in Cataluña.

EPPO Reporting Service (2007/137) : still in Cataluña (low incidence).
* Anonymous (2000) Balance fitosanitario de los cultivos españoles durante el año 2000. Phytoma-España no. 127, 18-46 and no. 128, 26-51.

* Anonymous (2004) Incidencia de plagas y enfermedades en las Comunidades Autónomas en 2004. Phytoma-España no. 168, 17-58 and no. 169, 16-55.

* Anonymous (2007) Incidencia de plagas y enfermedades en las Comunidades Autónomas en 2006. Phytoma-España no. 187, 19-52 and no. 188, 16-56.

* Gottwald, T. R.; Cambra, M.; Moreno, P.; Camarasa, E.; Piquer, J. (1996) Phytopathology 86 (1), 45-55.
------- Symptomless trees in Valencia and Alicante provinces.

* Guerri, J.; Moreno, P.; Munoz, N.; Martinez, M. E. (1991) Plant Pathology 40 (1), 38-44.
------- Isolates from the eastern citrus-growing area were compared.

* Marais, L. J. (1991) Citrus Journal 1 (2), 42-44.

* Moreno, P.; Navarro, L.; Fuertes, C.; Pina, J. A.; Ballester, J. F.; Hermoso de Mendoza, A.; Juarez, J.; Cambra, M. (1983) Hoja Tecnia INIA No. 47, 28 pp.

* NPPO of Spain (2011-06).

* Schwarz, R. E. (1979) Tropenlandwirt 80, 29-37.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
France Corse Present, restricted distribution view...
France Present, restricted distribution view...
Morocco Present, restricted distribution view...
Portugal Madeira Present, no details view...
Portugal Present, restricted distribution view...