EPPO Global Database

Meloidogyne ethiopica(MELGET)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Actinidia chinensis (ATICH) Major host
* Carneiro RMDG, Gomes CB, Almeida MRA, Gomes ACMM, Martins I (2003) [First record of Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 on kiwi in Brazil and reaction on different plant species]. Nematologia Brasileira 27, 151-158.
-------In Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in commercial kiwifruit orchards.

* Gomes CB, Carbonari JJ, Medina IL, Lima DL (2005) [Survey of Meloidogyne ethiopica in kiwi in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and its association with Nicotiana tabacum and Sida rhombifolia]. Abstract of a paper presented at the XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Nematologia (Piracicaba, BR, 2005-02-13/18). Nematologia Brasileira 29(1), p 114.
------- In Santa Cruz do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil).
Actinidia deliciosa (ATIDE) Major host
* Carneiro R M D G, Gomes C B, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M & Martins I (2003) First record of Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 on kiwi in Brazil and reaction of different plant species. (Primeiro Registro de Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968, em plantas de quivi no Brasil e reação em diferentes plantas cultivadas.). Nematologia Brasileira, 27(2), 151-158.

* Carneiro R M D G, Randig O, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M (2004) Additional information on Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitising kiwi fruit and grape-vine from Brazil and Chile. Nematology 6(1), 109-123.
Brassica napus (BRSNN) Major host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, cv. ‘Can420’ was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Brassica oleracea (BRSOX) Major host
* O’Bannon J H (1975) Nematode survey in Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and FAO, Rome, [unpubl.].

* Whitehead AG (1968) Taxonomy of Meloidogyne (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) with description of four new species. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 31, 263-401.

* Whitehead A G (1969) The distribution of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in tropical Africa. Nematologica 15, 315-333.

* Carneiro R M D G, Correa V R, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M, Deimi A M, Castagnone-Sereno P & Karssen G (2014) Meloidogyne luci n. sp. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitising different crops in Brazil, Chile and Iran. Nematology 16, 289-301.
Cucumis sativus (CUMSA) Major host
* Carneiro R M D G, Correa V R, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M, Deimi A M, Castagnone-Sereno P & Karssen G (2014) Meloidogyne luci n. sp. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitising different crops in Brazil, Chile and Iran. Nematology 16, 289-301.
Cucurbita sp. (CUUSS) Major host
* Whitehead A G (1969) The distribution of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in tropical Africa. Nematologica 15, 315-333.
Fragaria x ananassa (FRAAN) Major host
* Caproni CM, das Graças Souza A, Menegatti RD, Ferreira S, Smiderle OJ & de Souza AA (2017) Reação de oito cultivares de morangueiro (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) a Meloidogyne ethiopica. Scientia Agraria Paranaensis, 20-25. Available at https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/scientiaagraria/article/view/16054/12726
Helianthus annuus (HELAN) Major host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
------In experiments, cvs. Helio250 and Embrapa122 were found to be excellent hosts
Phaseolus vulgaris (PHSVX) Major host
* Bellé C, Kuhn PR, Kaspary TE, Groth ME, Schmitt J, Kulczynski SM (2017) Parasitization of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) by Meloidogyne ethiopica in Southern Brazil. Plant Disease 101(3), p 510.
------- In Southern Brazil.

* Mandefro W & Dagne K (2000) Cytogenetic and esterase isozyme variation of root-knot nematode populations from Ethiopia. Afr. J. Plant. Prot. 10, 39-47.
Pisum sativum (PIBSX) Major host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, cv 'IAPAR 74' was found to be an excellent host
Pisum sativum subsp. arvense (PIBSA) Major host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, cv 'IAPAR83' was found to be an excellent  host
Solanum lycopersicum (LYPES) Major host
* Carneiro R M D G, Gomes C B, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M & Martins I (2003) First record of Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 on kiwi in Brazil and reaction of different plant species. (Primeiro Registro de Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968, em plantas de quivi no Brasil e reação em diferentes plantas cultivadas.). Nematologia Brasileira, 27(2), 151-158.

* Mandefro W & Dagne K (2000) Cytogenetic and esterase isozyme variation of root-knot nematode populations from Ethiopia. Afr. J. Plant. Prot. 10, 39-47.

* Gabriel M, Kulczynski SM, Belle C, Kirsch VG & Calderan-Bisognin A (2018) Reação de gramíneas forrageiras a Meloidogyne spp. e Pratylenchus brachyurus. Nematropica 48(2), 155-163.
-------In experiments, cv. Santa Cruz was found to be a good host.
Solanum tuberosum (SOLTU) Major host
* Whitehead AG (1968) Taxonomy of Meloidogyne (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) with description of four new species. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 31, 263-401.

* Whitehead A G (1969) The distribution of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in tropical Africa. Nematologica 15, 315-333.

* Lima-Medina I, Gomes C B & Nazareno N X R (2011) Occurrence of Meloidogyne ethiopica in potato in the state of Parana. W: 44th Brazilian Congress of Plant Pathology, 36 [ed. Lavras, M.G.], Brazil, 177.
Vitis labrusca (VITLA) Major host
Vitis vinifera (VITVI) Major host
* Carneiro R M D G, Randig O, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M (2004) Additional information on Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitising kiwi fruit and grape-vine from Brazil and Chile. Nematology 6(1), 109-123.

* Carneiro RM, Almeida MR, Cofcewicz ET, Magunacelaya JC, Aballay E (2007) Meloidogyne ethiopica, a major root-knot nematode parasitising Vitis vinifera and other crops in Chile. Nematology 9(5), 633-639.
Acanthospermum australe (ACNAU) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Ageratum conyzoides (AGECO) Wild/Weed
* O’Bannon J H (1975) Nematode survey in Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and FAO, Rome, [unpubl.].
Amaranthus deflexus (AMADE) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Amaranthus hybridus (AMACH) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Amaranthus spinosus (AMASP) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Amaranthus viridis (AMAVI) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Arachis hypogaea (ARHHY) Wild/Weed
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, cv. ‘CavaloVemelho’ was found to be a poor host (0.1<RF<1).
Bidens pilosa (BIDPI) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Bidens subalternans (BIDSU) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Cardiospermum halicacabum (CRIHA) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Commelina benghalensis (COMBE) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Cynodon dactylon (CYNDA) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Datura stramonium (DATST) Wild/Weed
* O’Bannon J H (1975) Nematode survey in Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and FAO, Rome, [unpubl.].
Euphorbia heterophylla (EPHHL) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Galinsoga parviflora (GASPA) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Ipomoea grandifolia (IAQGR) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Ipomoea nil (IPONI) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Ipomoea purpurea (PHBPU) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Leonurus sibiricus (LECSI) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Nicandra physalodes (NICPH) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Oxalis corniculata (OXACO) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Portulaca oleracea (POROL) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Raphanus raphanistrum (RAPRA) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Solanum americanum (SOLAM) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Solanum nigrum (SOLNI) Wild/Weed
* O’Bannon J H (1975) Nematode survey in Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and FAO, Rome, [unpubl.].
Solanum pseudocapsicum (SOLPC) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Solanum sisymbriifolium (SOLSI) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Sonchus oleraceus (SONOL) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Talinum paniculatum (TALPA) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Acacia mearnsii (ACAMR) Host
* Whitehead A G (1969) The distribution of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in tropical Africa. Nematologica 15, 315-333.
Agave sisalana (AGVSI) Host
* O’Bannon J H (1975) Nematode survey in Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and FAO, Rome, [unpubl.].
Asparagus officinalis (ASPOF) Host
* Murga-Gutierrez S N, Colagiero M, Rosso L C, Sialer M M F & Ciancio A (2012) Root-knot nematodes from asparagus and associated biological antagonists in Peru. Nematropica 42(1), 57-62.
Avena sativa (AVESA) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, cv. Whiteoat‘IAPAR126’ was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Avena strigosa (AVESG) Host
* Gabriel M, Kulczynski SM, Belle C, Kirsch VG & Calderan-Bisognin A (2018) Reação de gramíneas forrageiras a Meloidogyne spp. e Pratylenchus brachyurus. Nematropica 48(2), 155-163.
-------In experiments, cvs. Embrapa 139, Agro Planalto, Iapar 61BRS centauro were found to be poor hosts (0.1< RF <1.0). Cv. BRS Madrugada is not considered as a host (RF<0.1)

* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, cv. Blackoat‘IAPAR61’ was found to be a poor host (RF<1).
Cajanus cajan (CAJCA) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, cvs. 'PPI 832' and 'IAPAR43’ were considered as resistant (RF<=0.1)
Canavalia ensiformis (CNAEN) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Capsicum annuum (CPSAN) Host
* Carneiro R M D G, Randig O, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M (2004) Additional information on Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitising kiwi fruit and grape-vine from Brazil and Chile. Nematology 6(1), 109-123.
Capsicum frutescens (CPSFR) Host
* Whitehead AG (1968) Taxonomy of Meloidogyne (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) with description of four new species. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 31, 263-401.

* Whitehead A G (1969) The distribution of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in tropical Africa. Nematologica 15, 315-333.
Carthamus tinctorius (CAUTI) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
------In experiments, it was found to be moderatly resistant (but with RF >= 1)
Cenchrus americanus (PESGL) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------As Pennisetum glaucum. In experiments, cv 'ADR 500' was found to be moderatly resistant (But with RF >=1)

* Gabriel M, Kulczynski SM, Belle C, Kirsch VG & Calderan-Bisognin A (2018) Reação de gramíneas forrageiras a Meloidogyne spp. e Pratylenchus brachyurus. Nematropica 48(2), 155-163.
-------As Pennisetum glaucum. In experiments, cv. BRS1501 was found to be a poor host (0.1< RF <1.0).
Citrullus lanatus (CITLA) Host
* Carneiro R M D G, Gomes C B, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M & Martins I (2003) First record of Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 on kiwi in Brazil and reaction of different plant species. (Primeiro Registro de Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968, em plantas de quivi no Brasil e reação em diferentes plantas cultivadas.). Nematologia Brasileira, 27(2), 151-158.

* Carneiro R M D G, Randig O, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M (2004) Additional information on Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitising kiwi fruit and grape-vine from Brazil and Chile. Nematology 6(1), 109-123.
Clitoria ternatea (CXCTE) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be moderatly resistant (but with RF >= 1)
Crotalaria juncea (CVTJU) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be moderatly resistant (but with RF >= 1)
Crotalaria lanceolata (CVTLA) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be moderatly resistant (but with RF >= 1)
Crotalaria micans (CVTAN) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------As Crotalaria anagyroides. In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Crotalaria ochroleuca (CVTOC) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------As Crotalaria okoelvka. In experiments, it was found to be 'Moderatly resistant' (but with RF >= 1)
Crotalaria spectabilis (CVTSP) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a poor host (0.1<RF<1).
Crotalaria virgulata (CVTVI) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------As Crotalaria grantiana. In experiments, it was found to be a poor host (0.1<RF<1).
Cucumis melo (CUMME) Host
* Bellé C, Kuhn PR, Kaspary TE, Groth MZ, Cocco KLT (2017) Meloidogyne ethiopica parasitizing melon fields in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 124(4), 393-397.
--------- In Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Cucurbita (1CUUG) Host
Dahlstedtia pentaphylla (DAHPE) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be moderatly resistant (But with RF >=1)
Eleusine coracana (ELECO) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Ensete ventricosum (ENSVE) Host
* Mandefro W & Dagne K (2000) Cytogenetic and esterase isozyme variation of root-knot nematode populations from Ethiopia. Afr. J. Plant. Prot. 10, 39-47.
Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa (ERUVE) Host
* Carneiro R M D G, Correa V R, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M, Deimi A M, Castagnone-Sereno P & Karssen G (2014) Meloidogyne luci n. sp. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitising different crops in Brazil, Chile and Iran. Nematology 16, 289-301.
-------As Eruca sativa.
Fagopyrum esculentum (FAGES) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, cv. IPR92 was found to be moderatly resistant (But with RF >=1)
Glycine max (GLXMA) Host
* O’Bannon J H (1975) Nematode survey in Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and FAO, Rome, [unpubl.].

* Castro JMC, Lima RD de & Carneiro RMDG (2003) Isoenzymatic variability in Brazilian populations of Meloidogyne spp. from soybean. Nematologia Brasileira 27, 1-12.

* Carneiro R M D G, Gomes C B, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M & Martins I (2003) First record of Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 on kiwi in Brazil and reaction of different plant species. (Primeiro Registro de Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968, em plantas de quivi no Brasil e reação em diferentes plantas cultivadas.). Nematologia Brasileira, 27(2), 151-158.
Gossypium hirsutum (GOSHI) Host
* O’Bannon J H (1975) Nematode survey in Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and FAO, Rome, [unpubl.].
Jatropha curcas (IATCU) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Lablab purpureus (DOLLA) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------As Dolichos lablab. In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Lactuca sativa (LACSA) Host
* O’Bannon J H (1975) Nematode survey in Ethiopia. Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and FAO, Rome, [unpubl.].
Lolium multiflorum (LOLMU) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
------In experiments, cv. 'Italian' was found to be a poor host (0.1<RF<1).
Lupinus albus (LUPAL) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, cv 'Forest' was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Lupinus angustifolius (LUPAN) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
------In experiments, cv 'IAPAR24' was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Medicago sativa (MEDSA) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
------In experiments, it was found to be moderatly resistant (But with RF >=1)
Mucuna aterrima (MUCAT) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be moderatly resistant (But with RF >=1)
Mucuna deeringiana (MUCDE) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a poor host (0.1<RF<1).
Mucuna pruriens (MUCPR) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Mucuna sp. (MUCSS) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
------- as "Mucuna cinerea". In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Neonotonia wightii (GLXWI) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------As Glycine wightii. In experiments, it was found to be moderatly resistant (But with RF >=1)
Nicotiana tabacum (NIOTA) Host
* Whitehead AG (1968) Taxonomy of Meloidogyne (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) with description of four new species. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 31, 263-401.

* Whitehead A G (1969) The distribution of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in tropical Africa. Nematologica 15, 315-333.
Ornithopus compressus (OROCO) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be moderatly resistant (But with RF >=1)
Oryza sativa (ORYSA) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, cv 'Pelotas' was found to be moderatly resistant (But with RF >=1)
Phaseolus pubescens (PHSPU) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------As Vigna umbellata. In experiments, it was found to be an excellent host
Prunus persica (PRNPS) Host
* Carneiro R M D G, Gomes C B, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M & Martins I (2003) First record of Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 on kiwi in Brazil and reaction of different plant species. (Primeiro Registro de Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968, em plantas de quivi no Brasil e reação em diferentes plantas cultivadas.). Nematologia Brasileira, 27(2), 151-158.

* Somavilla L, Gomes C B, Antunes L E C, de Oliveira R P & Carneiro R M D G (2009) [Reaction of different fruit crops to Meloidogyne ethiopica]. Nematologia Brasileira Piracicaba 33(3), 252‒255. (portugalski: abs.).
Psidium guajava (PSIGU) Host
* Dias W P, de Freitas V M, Ribeiro N R, Moita A W & Carneiro R M D G (2010) Reaction of corn genotypes to Meloidogyne mayaguensis and M. ethiopica. Nematologia Brasileira 34(2), 98‒105.
Raphanus sativus (RAPSR) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, var oleiferus cv 'IPR 116' was found to be resistant (with RS<=0.1)
Rumex sp. (RUMSS) Host
* Márquez LY, Divers M, Silva WR, de Araujo Filho JD & Gomes CB (2019) First Report of Meloidogyne ethiopica and M. javanicain in Rumex spp. in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Embrapa Clima Temperado-Nota Técnica/Nota Científica (ALICE).
Saccharum officinarum (SACOF) Host
* Bellé C, Kulczynski SM, Kuhn PR, Carneiro RM, Lima-Medina I, Gomes CB (2017) First report of Meloidogyne ethiopica parasitizing sugarcane in Brazil. Plant Disease 101(4), 635. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-16-1303-PDN
------- the article mentions sugarcane as Saccharum spp.  Saccharum officinarum is the species usually called sugarcane.
Saccharum sp. (SACSS) Host
* Bellé C, Kulczynski SM, Kuhn PR, Carneiro RM, Lima-Medina I, Gomes CB (2017) First report of Meloidogyne ethiopica parasitizing sugarcane in Brazil. Plant Disease 101(4), 635. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-16-1303-PDN
Secale cereale (SECCE) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
------In experiments, cv 'IPR69' was found to be resistant (with RS<=0.1)
Setaria italica (SETIT) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Sida rhombifolia (SIDRH) Host
* Gomes CB, Carbonari JJ, Medina IL, Lima DL (2005) [Survey of Meloidogyne ethiopica in kiwi in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and its association with Nicotiana tabacum and Sida rhombifolia]. Abstract of a paper presented at the XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Nematologia (Piracicaba, BR, 2005-02-13/18). Nematologia Brasileira 29(1), p 114.
------- In Frederico Westphallen (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil).

* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).

* Lima-Medina I, Somavilla L, Carneiro R M D G & Gomes C B (2013) Species of Meloidogyne associated with fig (Ficus carica) and host weeds. Nematropica 43, 56–62.
Smallanthus sonchifolius (POMSO) Host
* Carneiro R M D G & Almeida M R A (2005) [Record of Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead on yacon and tomato plants in Brasília, DF, Brazil]. Nematologia Brasileira 29(2), 285‒287.
-------As Polymnia sonchifolia
Solanum melongena (SOLME) Host
* Carneiro R M D G, Correa V R, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M, Deimi A M, Castagnone-Sereno P & Karssen G (2014) Meloidogyne luci n. sp. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitising different crops in Brazil, Chile and Iran. Nematology 16, 289-301.
Sorghum x drummondii (SORSU) Host
* Gabriel M, Kulczynski SM, Belle C, Kirsch VG & Calderan-Bisognin A (2018) Reação de gramíneas forrageiras a Meloidogyne spp. e Pratylenchus brachyurus. Nematropica 48(2), 155-163.
-------As Sorghum sudanense. In experiments, cv. BRS Estribo was found to be a poor host
Spinacia oleracea (SPQOL) Host
* Carneiro R M D G, Correa V R, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M, Deimi A M, Castagnone-Sereno P & Karssen G (2014) Meloidogyne luci n. sp. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitising different crops in Brazil, Chile and Iran. Nematology 16, 289-301.
Tephrosia candida (TEPCA) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be an excellent host
Triticosecale rimpaui (TTLRI) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------As triticum aestivum x Secale cereale. In experiments, cv. 'IPR 111' was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Vicia faba (VICFX) Host
* Whitehead A G (1969) The distribution of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in tropical Africa. Nematologica 15, 315-333.
Vicia sativa (VICSA) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be an excellent host
Vicia villosa (VICVI) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, cv. 'OSTSSAT' was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Vigna radiata (PHSAU) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------In experiments, it was found to be an excellent host
Vigna unguiculata (VIGSI) Host
* Whitehead AG (1968) Taxonomy of Meloidogyne (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) with description of four new species. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 31, 263-401.

* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157. 
------In experiments, cvs. 'Espace 10' and 'Australian' were found to be poor hosts (0.1<RF<1).
Vitis sp. (VITSS) Host
* Carneiro R M D G, Gomes C B, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M & Martins I (2003) First record of Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 on kiwi in Brazil and reaction of different plant species. (Primeiro Registro de Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968, em plantas de quivi no Brasil e reação em diferentes plantas cultivadas.). Nematologia Brasileira, 27(2), 151-158.

* Carneiro R M D G, Randig O, Almeida M R A, Gomes A C M M (2004) Additional information on Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasitising kiwi fruit and grape-vine from Brazil and Chile. Nematology 6(1), 109-123.
Zea mays (ZEAMX) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
------In experiments, cv. 'AG 50 20' was found to be a good host (RF>= 1)
Zea mexicana (EUHME) Host
* Lima E A, Mattos J K, Moita A W, Carneiro R G & Carneiro R M D G (2009) Host status of different crops for Meloidogyne ethiopica control. Tropical Plant Pathology 34, 152-157.
-------As Euchlaena mexicana. In experiments, it was found to be moderatly resistant (but with RF = 1)
Beta vulgaris (BEAVX) Doubtful host
Later research showed that the species in Slovenia was not Meloidogyne  ethiopica but Meloidogyne luci.
* Strajnar P, Širca S, Knapič M & Urek G (2011) Effect of Slovenian climatic conditions on the development and survival of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne ethiopica. European Journal of Plant Pathology 129, 81-88